Thursday, March 24, 2005


I thought it would be fun to share some of the NZ lingo with you. These are some of the words and phrases that I've stumbled across either through meeting people or reading things. Enjoy!


lollies = candies
ice blocks = popsicles
sunnies = sunglasses
togs = swimsuits
water sippers = water bottles
takeaway = take out
mate = friend, guy, buddy, pal
tramp = a trek, hike, bushwalk
proper = real (for example, that's a "proper" thoroughbred)
wopwops = remote
jandals = sandals, flipflops
chillie bin = cooler
boozer = public bar
judder bars = speed bumps

common phrases:

Sweet as! = excellent, cool
How you going? = How are you?
You're alright = You are welcome
Good on ya! = way to go, good for you

The pronunciation of letters also adds to some of the charm.
For example peck is how a Kiwi would say "pack", and left is "lift".

Most of the place names in NZ stem from the Maori words. The Maori alphabet, from what I've read, has 15 letters. It's very Hawaiian/Polynesian sounding. Some examples of lakes or regions are Te Anau, Taupo, Wanaka, Tekapo, Pukaki, etc. They sound easy to pronounce. ; )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like you are having a super time! I am not surprised but very happy for you. 'Good on ya' for absorbing the culture and feel of the place. Your riding trip sounded fun too ... I am glad that they didn't make you walk the whole time! I can see you now - laughing at the poor sods falling off their horses - so sympathetic and kind! ;-) (Just like me!)

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on ya for your proper tramp. How you going? Making lots of mates at the boozer? Relaxing with a chillie bin full of water sippers (or something better from the boozer)? Kickin' off those jandals and munching on some takeaway. It's a proper time.

The style guide will be suitably updated by the time your return.

2:42 PM  

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