Friday, March 25, 2005

Kaikoura, A Beach Village

Hello from Kaikoura!

Kaikoura is a beach village on the shores of the South Pacific Ocean. I think the population is 3,000 or so. It's tiny but breathtaking. Yesterday, I did a huge tramp around the peninsula, along the cliffs and shore of the ocean, and saw seals frolicking on their rocks. It was a pretty overcast and windy day, but the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks was wonderful.

Last night, I went out with some of my "backpacker mates." We were quite an eclectic crew: Baseball cap-wearing, surfer dude, Michael,from San Diego, California; Smooth-talking, snowboarder extraordinaire, Monsieur Aurelian from the French Alps; and cool, crisp rower Pim from Holland. We had a couple of good, local beers, potato wedges, and many interesting discussions about traveling and living around the world, enjoying different cultures and countries, and the importance of traveling and opening ones' eyes to new and interesting people and experiences. Stimulating conversations, indeed.

This morning the sun is shining and the sky is blue. I am off to find a beach for some sunbathing, I think!

Happy Easter to everyone! Be well.


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